
The Louisville District website ( is moving to the Great Lakes and Ohio River Division website ( This website is scheduled to be decommissioned on July 15, 2024. Please update all saved links to
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers publishes request for comment on proposed revision to regulation governing possession of firearms

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers publishes request for comment on proposed revision to regulation
  • UPDATED: Corps to close day use recreational areas, postpone campground openings

    In the interest of public safety due to COVID-19 concerns, and in accordance with Center for Disease Control recommendations, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District will be closing all Corps-managed day use recreational areas and associated public facilities (such as beaches, picnic shelters and restrooms) and postponing the opening of all campgrounds until further notice.
  • Corps to close day use recreational areas, postpone campground openings

    UPDATED: Corps to close day use recreational areas, postpone campground openings LOUISVILLE, KY –In the interest of public safety due to COVID-19 concerns, and in accordance with Center for Disease Control recommendations, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District will be closing all Corps-managed day use recreational areas (such as picnic shelters) and postponing the opening of all campgrounds until May 11, 2020.
  • Public workshop for William H. Harsha Lake Master Plan canceled

    LOUISVILLE, KY –In the interest of public safety due to COVID-19 concerns, the U.S. Army Corps of
  • Corps to restrict public access to facilities as precautionary measure

    LOUISVILLE, KY –In the interest of public safety due to COVID-19 concerns, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District will be restricting public access at the district’s Corps facilities for the next 30 days, effective March 13, 2020, at 5:00 p.m. As always, public safety remains our top priority. As a precautionary measure the Louisville District will have restricted public access to all operational areas at the district’s 20 flood risk management projects throughout Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio, seven locks and dams on the Ohio River and two on the Green River. 
  • Public meeting to be held for Three Forks of Beargrass Creek Ecosystem Restoration Study

    LOUISVILLE, KY. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers along with the project sponsor, Louisville and
  • Symposium to Advance Ohio River Basin Strategy

    Ohio River Basin stakeholders will have an opportunity to impact a basin-wide strategy document
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to host Rough River Lake Encroachment Resolution Plan update at public meetings Sept. 16th and Sept. 21st

    ROUGH RIVER LAKE, KY — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will host two public meetings to update the
  • Contract awarded for Green River Dam Stilling Basin work

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District recently awarded a contract for minor maintenance work to the stilling basin at the tailwater of Green River Dam in Campbellsville, Kentucky. This is the point of water release from the dam and therefore, the project will require a 24-hour complete shutdown of dam operations as crews work to get a bypass piping system set up. Once the bypass piping system is set up, water flow will resume. This one-day shutdown is typical when normal maintenance is performed. Work is expected to begin by mid-October and be complete by mid-November. The dam is safe and operating as designed. This work is routine in nature and entails concrete repairs to the stilling basin. The work will not cause any significant impacts to the public and there should be sufficient flow in Green River to meet water supply demand during the duration of the shutdown and construction period. Any questions concerning the upcoming work can be directed to the Green River Lake Office at (270) 465-4463.
  • Temporary river closure at Newburgh Locks and Dam Aug. 1

    LOUISVILLE, KY. – The river will be temporarily closed to navigation traffic at Newburgh Locks and Dam on the Ohio River (Mile 776.1) on Thursday, August 1, 2019, for approximately seven hours from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (CDT) to allow the Corps of Engineers Heavy Capacity Fleet to perform dive inspections of the miter gates. Dive inspections are routine activities on this project, necessary to monitor the condition of the underwater structures. The Corps of Engineers will closely coordinate updates with the Coast Guard and towing industry. ###

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