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Concerned about Flooding?

If you are concerned about the possibility of flooding in Jefferson County Kentucky, the Metropolitan Sewer District can help.

Metropolitan Sewer District has the most recent Federal Emergency Management Agency floodplain maps at their main office, 700 W. Liberty St. With the help of these maps, MSD can provide you with the flood hazard history of your property or a property you’re considering buying, so you will be aware of potential problems and damages.

MSD also can give you advice on steps you can take to protect your property from flooding. In some instances, they may even pay for installing devices to prevent basement backups.

Metropolitan Sewer District offices are open from 8:15 to 5 p.m., Mondays through Fridays (except holidays). Floodplain map information is also available by calling (502) 540-6126, and flood protection assistance information is available at (502) 540-6206.

You may also call their 24-hour customer service line at (502) 587-0603.

700 W. Liberty St.
Louisville, Ky. 40203

Telephone numbers
MSD 24-hour customer servies: 587-0603
Floodplain map information: 540-6590
Flood protection information: 540-6439
Basement backup prevention: 587-0603
MSD permits: 587-0603
To report drainage problems, illegal dumping or contruction activity in flood plain: 587-0603
Federal flood insurance information: 1-800-427-5593

Web Addresses
LOJIC (for interactive maps):
Flood Insurance: