
The Louisville District website ( is moving to the Great Lakes and Ohio River Division website ( This website is scheduled to be decommissioned on July 15, 2024. Please update all saved links to

Guide Specifications, Publications and Installation Guidance

Design guide specifications used by the Louisville District.  Design and Construction guidance for specific various government sites.

Air Force Design and Construction Guidance
Fort Campbell Technical Design Guide 2021 Rev05
Fort Campbell Water and Wastewater Design Guide and Construction Standards
Louisville District Design Guide
Louisville District Guide Specs
New Digging Permit (Aug 2007) FC Form 4043
Official DoD Publications Site
Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC)
Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS)
Wright Patterson AFB - Base Facility Standard (BFS)
Wright Patterson AFB - Guide Specs


Army Reserve Guidance and Criteria:
The Louisville District Corps of Engineers (LRL) and the Army Reserve (AR) executed a Memorandum of Agreement designating LRL as the AR Design Agent for the AR Military Construction Program. Since the MOA was executed, the relationship has expanded to include other programs and projects.

LRL has a dedicated team supporting the AR, known as the Reserve Support Team (RST). The RST is the proponent for LRL support to the AR.

The purpose of this webpage is to centralize documents, guides and other information that LRL developed for the AR and to provide access to these documents to more efficiently support the AR.

Guidance and Criteria:

  • AR RPX Criteria and Quality Standards Manual
  • AR Technical Outline Specification for D/B and RPX Projects
  • CAL Files for USARC/OMS.UHS, Lincoln, NE

To request content via mail:

ED-M AR CD Request
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District
600 Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. Place
Louisville, Kentucky 40220-2230

Or call (502) 315-6448.

Include your contact information (name, mailing address, phone, etc.) and a description of the material needed.

Army Reserve Customers