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Ohio River Basin-Wide Strategic Plan

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has finalized the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan for the Ohio River Basin. View the final report here.

The study, completed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO), is the biggest basin-wide study conducted across the basin in many years. The report provides clear strategies and a plan for advancing primary goals for water resources in the entire Ohio River Basin.

Nation’s Most Valuable River Transportation and Commerce Corridor: Provide for safe, efficient, and dependable commercial navigation within the Ohio River Basin to ensure a competitive advantage for our goods in global and regional markets; sustain a water use system to efficiently and effectively support agricultural, industrial, and energy productivity.
Healthy and Productive Ecosystems: Conserve, enhance, and restore ecosystems within the Ohio River Basin to support natural habitats and the fish and wildlife resources that depend upon them.

Abundant Clean Water: Ensure the quality and quantity of water in the Ohio River Basin is adequate to support the economic, social, and environmental functions that are dependent on it.

World-class Nature-based Recreation Opportunities: Enrich the quality of life for people and recreation-based economies by maintaining and enhancing riverine, lake, and wetland-associated recreation within the Basin.

Reliable Flood Control and Risk Reduction: Provide reliable flood protection and risk reduction through well-managed and maintained infrastructure, including appropriate floodplain connections for water conveyance and ecosystem benefits, and management of surface and storm water runoff to better protect life, property, and economies.

Knowledge and Education to Inform Decisions: Ensure that research and education adequately inform Ohio River Basin-wide economic, social, and environmental decisions; enhance the profile of education organizations in the Basin that synergize efforts to garner effective public involvement in the stewardship and management of the Basin’s resources.