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  • Public Meeting Presentation

Patoka Lake Water Control Manual Update

Water Control Manuals outline the regulation schedules for each project and specifications for storage and release from each reservoir.  These Manuals outline policies and data protocols for flood risk management operations and drought contingency operations.  Updated Water Control Manuals are needed to enable managers to strike the best balance possible for the many purpose and demands.  A complex set of factors is analyzed to determine appropriate water management at each lake.  These factors include  the authorized project purposes, water supply contract commitments, hydrologic and climatologic elements, and basin-wide conditions and potential threats of flood and drought.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District is currently evaluating whether the existing Water Control Manual for Patoka Reservoir, located within the Middle Wabash Basin within the State of Indiana, is in need of revision, and what those revisions should include.   Since approximately 2006, Patoka Reservoir has experienced prolonged and elevated pool levels when compared to the period from 1983-2005. The goal of the analysis is to reassess the reservoir operations and downstream impact areas to  ensure the project is adequately operated for present and future needs. This study is estimated to be completed by the end of 2022.

Contact Information

For more information on the Patoka Lake Water Control Manual Update project, please contact us at the following:

