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Contractor Visitation Policy at Louisville District Projects

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 Contractor Visitation Policy at Louisville District Projects

Contractor Visitation Policy at Louisville District Projects
a. Public Law 110-181, Section 1069, Standards Required for Entry to Military
Installations in the United States.
b. Army Regulation 190-13, The Army Physical Security Program, 27 June 2019.
c. Directive-Type Memorandum (DTM) 09-012, Interim Policy Guidance for DoD
Physical Access Control, 20 November 2015.
d. Army Regulation 530-1, Operations Security, 26 September 2014.
e. USACE Operations Order 2022-03 (Integrated Protection Program), 2 May 2022

The purpose of this memorandum is to provide general guidance to all
Flood Control and Navigation Projects regarding contractor visits and proper
background check procedures for contractor personnel working in controlled and limited
access areas.

District Policy
a. General. Service Contractors (garbage collection, cleaning services, etc.) The
owner of the service shall provide the name of the driver of the service vehicle to the
Resource Manager/Facility Manager for identification purposes. Service personnel
should have a company identification badge and/or in uniform or both. If service
company drivers change, the owner (or POC) of the service contract must call and
notify the project to apprise them of the change. Garbage dumpsters can be moved
closer to the entrance gate to avoid having dumpsters and/or service personnel deeper
inside the secured area or near mission critical assets of the project.
b. Government Contractors – If the project requires a contract through and/or
authorized by the Federal Government, the following guidelines must be met at a

(1) Each contractor is responsible for his/her own employees, subcontractors,
and business associates while on site. Contractors are responsible to instruct their
personnel on site security. While on site, employees of the contractor will be permitted
in designated work areas only. These areas are site specific and are designated by the
COE. Examples include fenced work areas, buildings, project offices, resident offices,
Intake Structures (or Gatehouses), and dams and spillway areas. Persons violating this
directive shall be informed that they are in an unauthorized area and directed to leave
the area. Companies who will be working at Louisville District projects will be required to
provide the following information to the Louisville District Security Manager and Site
Managers at the site prior to beginning of work:
(a) Full name of the company, address and 24-hour telephone number(s).
(b) Work Leader on site (POC), full name and 24-hour telephone number(s).
(c) List of personnel who will be on site.
(d) Changes in personnel who will be on site will be brought to the attention of
the Site Manager and District Security Manager and revised personnel lists shall be
provided as this occurs.
(e) Personnel entering any facility will be asked to show a photo ID (valid
driver’s license will suffice).
(f) Contractor will provide vehicle ID to Site Manager prior to entering the
facility (make, color, license tag number).
(g) Contractor will work during Corps of Engineers working hours unless
provided written permission from Site Manager.
(2) Background Check Requirement: Background checks for contracted
personnel will be performed by the LRL Security Office. Background checks are
required for any contracted personnel working within Louisville District Project
Controlled/Limited access areas. For Flood Control projects background checks will be
required for contractors working in the following Limited/Controlled access areas: Tower
Structures, Fenced Compounds(s) and Maintenance/Shop Buildings. For Navigation
projects background checks will be required for contractors working in the following
Controlled/Limited access areas: Dam & Control Rooms, Navigation Lock & Lock
Operations Building.

The LRL US Citizens Security Access Form (Contractor - Background Check) must be
submitted to the Louisville District Security Office no less than 5 business days before
the scheduled contracted work is to take place. The onsite coordinator (typically a Park
Ranger for Lake sites and a Lockmaster for Ohio River Sites) will send background
check forms directly to the Louisville District Security Office at DLL-CELRL-Security- Upon completion of the background check, Louisville District
Security Office will send an approval status list to the person coordinating the contracted
work. All contractors are required to produce a form of photo identification to the onsite
coordinator upon arrival at the work site to verify their identity and confirm completion of
security checks before entering a Controlled/Limited access area.

Points of Contact (POC)
Charles Tanner (Personnel Security Specialist, 502-315-
6929) Jim Milner (Antiterrorism Officer, 502-315-6916) Jason Almodovar (Physical
Security Officer, 502-315-6754) and Roy Stone (Security Manager, 502-315-6915)