Archive: February, 2022
  • February

    Louisville District highlights engineering teammates during National Engineers Week 2022

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has been engineering solutions for our nation’s toughest challenges for 246 years. Engineers create new possibilities all the time and the engineers at USACE are no different. During National Engineers Week, Feb. 21 to 25, engineers are recognized for their notable contributions to society.  To celebrate, the Louisville District is highlighting team members from different engineering disciplines. Each engineer focuses on a different facet of engineering. While some engineers focus on things like remediation and construction, others spend their time negotiating contracts and designs. Other civil engineers deal with the financial side of engineering and more.  As the nation’s engineering and public works agency, USACE deliver’s quality projects and programs, on time and within budget, safely for the American people, and these engineers help make USACE a strong organization. 
  • Construction on the new Louisville VA Medical Center clears a major milestone

    The construction site of the new Louisville VA Medical Center has seen a lot of changes since the first shovels of dirt were ceremonially dug during the groundbreaking ceremony Nov. 11, 2021. Contractors have been busy performing various earthwork activities as well as drilling on the site in preparation for the first blasting to break up the bedrock under the site which took place Feb. 21.
  • Louisville District’s National Roofing Program sets standard for Army Reserve facilities

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District received its nationwide Army Reserve mission and the Air Force Reserve mission in the 1990’s and, since then, countless facilities have been designed and constructed by the district. There are several subprograms that are centrally managed out of the Army Reserve Branch of the Louisville District Project Management Division, one of which is the National Roofing Program, also known as NRP.