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Existing Flood Control Structures

The Corps of Engineers may rehabilitate flood control structures damaged or destroyed by floods and Federally authorized and constructed hurricane or shore protection structures damaged or destroyed by wind, wave, or water action of other than an ordinary nature.

Types of Assistance Provided by the Corps:

Repair or restoration of a flood control structure to its pre-disaster condition

Criteria for Corps of Engineers Assistance:

a. Requests for rehabilitation assistance must be for a publicly sponsored project
b. Rehabilitation projects for non-Federal flood control works will be cost shared at 80 percent Federal and 20 percent from the public sponsor
c. The proposed rehabilitation project must have a favorable benefit-cost ratio
d. Deficient or deferred project maintenance outstanding when damage occurs will be accomplished by or at the expense of the sponsor either prior to or concurrent with authorized rehabilitation assistance
e. Corps policy requires the public sponsor to furnish the following items of cooperation and assurance prior to undertaking any work: (i) provide without cost to the United States all lands, easements, and rights-of-way necessary; (ii) hold and save the United States free from damages due to work, exclusive of damages due to negligence of the United States or its contractor; and (iii) maintain and operate, in a manner satisfactory to the Chief of Engineers, the entire project after completion.

How to Obtain Help:

Contact the Corps of Engineers Louisville District Office Emergency Management Branch at 800-272-3530. Or, you can send a letter requesting an initial inspection to:

Mr. Dan Frank
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
P.O. Box 59
Louisville, KY 40201-0059