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Waugoshance Point Target

The former Waugoshance Point Target is a Formerly Used Defense (FUDS) site in Emmet County, Michigan. The former Waugoshance Point Target (WPT) property is located in the westernmost portion of Wilderness State Park (WSP), approximately 16 miles west of Mackinaw City, Emmet County, Michigan. The target property includes what is currently Waugoshance Point, Temperance Island, Waugoshance Island (previously Crane Island), and an old lighthouse approximately 2 miles northwest of Waugoshance Island.

Request for Information

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has determined that an area in Wilderness State Park in Emmet County, Michigan, including Waugoshance Island and Temperance Island, is an eligible property under the Defense Environmental Restoration Program for Formerly Used Defense Sites (DERP-FUDS). The property was formerly known as the Waugoshance Point Target and was used by the former Naval Air Station in Traverse City, Mich., (currently the Cherry Capital Airport) as a target for high-altitude practice bombing and as a machine gun target during World War II.

Waugoshance Point Target is one of many former military installations throughout the United States that will be reviewed under the Department of Defense’s Munitions Response Site Prioritization Protocol. This protocol is used to assess sites that may potentially have unexploded ordnance, discarded military munitions or munitions constituents, and to assign relative priorities for any additional investigation or removal actions that may be required.

The Corps is seeking information on Waugoshance Point Target that could help us determine past and current activities at the site. The type of information we need includes types of munitions that were used, previous discoveries of munitions, and other historic knowledge of the property.

If you can provide information about the former Waugoshance Point Target, please contact:

Charles Delano
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
P.O. Box 59
Louisville, KY 40201-0059
(502) 315-6769


Contact Information

Public Affairs

    (502) 315-6769