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Levee Safety Links



The devastating impacts of Hurricane Katrina placed emphasis on the importance of levees and created a greater awareness regarding levee condition and expected performance. Our mission is to assess the integrity and viability of levees and recommend courses of action to make sure that levee systems do not present unacceptable risks to the public, property, and environment. 


The USACE works together with levee sponsors to understand the benefits and risks associated with levees, build awareness among the public, and take actions to manage performance. The USACE Levee Safety Program is not a regulatory program; rather it serves as an organizing framework to improve consistency and coordination in how levee-related activities are implemented. Key program activities include levee inspections, risk assessments, and sharing levee information. 

The Louisville District's levee system inventory includes 58 Federally authorized and constructed Levee Systems and 1 Non-Federally Constructed Levee System. All systems are assigned to one of our Levee Safety Points of Contact (LSPOC) who handle coordination efforts. Any proposed modifications to these systems must be technically reviewed by Louisville District through the Section 408 Alteration Program. For more information about Levee Safety or Section 408, please contact us via the information listed below.

Contact Us

Located at:
600 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Louisville, KY 40202

Mailing Address:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
ATTN: CELRL-ED-T-G, Levee Safety Program, Rm 921
P.O. Box 59
Louisville, KY 40201-0059

For more information, call (502) 315-6419.


  • National Levee Safety Program

This is a new, integrated program between USACE and FEMA designed for managing levee systems and improving community resiliency in areas behind the levee. Information about the program can be found HERE

There will be several virtual workshops hosted over the next few months that you can attend - the first one starting January 18th, 2022. All participants must register ahead of time HERE

  • The Levee Safety Engineering Circular (EC 1165-2-218) Has Been Published!

We highly recommend that all Local Levee Sponsors read thoroughly. Click HERE to access the publication.

  • The Engineering Manual for Pipes Associated with Levees (EM 1110-2-2902) Has Been Published!

New guidance on performing pipe inspections, maintenance, repairs, etc. Click HERE to access the publication.


If you have questions about anything listed above, please contact our office using the information listed on this page or reach out to your LSPOC. 

This web page was updated: January 2022.

PL 84-99: Rehabilitation Program Eligibility

Current eligibility criteria for a levee system to remain active in the Rehabilitation Program (RP) under PL 84-99 can be found HERE.

Eligibility determinations for levee systems are currently based on a subset of inspection items as listed in paragraph 6.f.(3) of this document.