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USACE Headquarters recognizes district employee

Published April 5, 2019

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Headquarters recognized Louisville District Mechanical Design Section Chief Brandon Martin for his contribution to USACE Headquarters engineering and construction in its development of commissioning criteria. 

Commissioning is a quality process specifically developed to ensure complex and active building systems, such as ensuring mechanical/electrical systems, are designed and installed to meet the needs of stakeholders. This is applied to systems such as HVAC, lighting, plumbing, power distribution, metering and renewable energy systems.  

“Bottom line is that we can only be sure that these systems will work and limit surprises along the way if we have a single and high-competency entity, like a firm or specialist, performing reviews, inspections and testing throughout the design and construction process,” said Martin.

According to USACE HQ, the three regulations Martin contributed to were overdue for an update to meet current industry standards. 

“Let me simply say, all of the Corps owes Bandon a deep debt of gratitude for his efforts and exceptional service towards the improvement of our design and construction commissioning criteria,” said Dr. Larry McCallister, USACE HQ chief of engineering and construction. “The dedication that he demonstrated was an excellent example for all to follow.”

Martin had the opportunity to work with many professionals across USACE to learn more about standards, criteria management and program delivery at all levels of the organization. 

During the process, Martin kept in constant contact with the action officers at headquarters; participated in multiple conference calls, responded to questions and offered his expertise on the development of highly technical documents. 

“I feel very honored to receive recognition for the work,” said Martin. “I greatly appreciate the opportunity to apply the lessons learned and experience I have gained in executing the Louisville District mission to improving business processes and practices across USACE and the Department of Defense.”