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The Louisville District celebrates Women’s History Month

Published March 13, 2019

The Louisville District celebrated Women’s History Month with an observance at the Mazzoli Federal Building March 12. This year’s theme is “Visionary Women: Champions of Peace and Nonviolence.”

A panel of Louisville community leaders discussed their roles in the community and personal experiences followed by a question and answer session. Guests included Karina Barillas, Director of LaCastia Center; Adrienne Eisenmenger, Family and Youth Services/Program Leader for Kentucky Refugee Ministries; and Lori Lewis, Impact 100SI President - Women’s Foundation of Southern Indiana. 

The group first discussed what Women History Month meant to them.

“I think about the unsung women heroes that have come before us to allow us to be in the positions we are in today,” said Lewis. “They have allowed us, as women, to have opportunities that weren’t possible before.”

Eisenmenger echoed the sentiment saying, women are powerful in what they can do with their vision, determination and their passion. 

The women also talked about barriers women face today. 

“When I grew up, boys were allowed to play outside but I wasn’t because I was a girl,” said Barillas. “As a child I thought, when I grow up ‘I want to be a man’.”  

The group believed the world has made strides to change the perception of women and the stereotypes that exist but there is still work to be done. 

The three women agreed that society needs to change the language we have used in the past. For example phrases like ‘you play like a girl’ are still used as an insult. 

 “Women need to have a voice and know that their voice matters,” said Eisenmenger.

Women's History Month is celebrated in March and commemorates and encourages the study, observance and celebration of the vital role of women in American history.