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Carr Creek park ranger’s quick thinking minimized fire damage

Published April 26, 2018

While on patrol March 5, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Carr Creek Lake Park Ranger Kevin Wright observed a wildland fire burning in the vicinity of the Route 15 bridge near the marina recreation area. 

Wright was a first responder to the scene, and he ensured that the appropriate agencies were notified. Good communication and partnership with local officials ensured success in this emergency. The following agencies responded: Kentucky State Police, Vicco and Carr Fork Volunteer Fire Departments and Kentucky Division of Forestry Wildland firefighting crew. 

With further investigation, Wright discovered that repeated sparks from a cutting torch fell on Pampas grass below the bridge and started the fire. Wright stayed on scene until the fire was completely under control. Approximately a half acre was burned, consisting mostly of grass, and no property damage occured.

“One of the things I have enjoyed most about being a park ranger is you never know what you will encounter on any given day,” said Wright. “Be it good or be it bad you just have to be ready to respond.”