Why Volunteer?
We volunteer for many reasons. Some like the flexibility volunteering allows, while others want to make a difference or gain new skills/experiences.
Volunteering with the US Army Corps of Engineers is a great opportunity to:
- Meet people and form new friendships
- Explore and live in new places
- Work in beautiful outdoor settings
- Provide community service
- Increase your career options
- Earn college credits with internships
- Have fun!
What Can You Do?
- Maintain trails
- Conduct and develop education programs
- Assist visitors at the Visitor Center
- Develop and build displays
- Maintain facilities
Natural Resource Management:
- Remove invasive species
- Plant native vegetation
- Monitor bluebird trails
- Remove trash and debris
Write or edit materials for publication
- Photography
- Computer/database entry
How to Volunteer
If you are interested in volunteering at Caesar Creek Lake, contact the Visitor Center at (513)897-1050. Volunteers will need to fill out a Volunteer Services Agreement Form.
Friends of Caesar Creek Lake
Friends of Caesar Creek Lake (FOCC) is a non-profit, independent organization dedicated to preserving our natural resources through educational and historical programs and activities. FOCC also offers excellent volunteer opportunities. Through the generous support of donors and volunteer efforts, FOCC has accomplished much, including:
- Educational programs, such as Junior Rangers, a Christmas Bird Count, and butterfly count
- Junior Ranger booklet creation and printing
- Interpretive topographical trail map
- Park support in the creation of a playground, fitness trail, new welcome video, and fish of Caesar Creek Lake display
- Fund raising through festivals, combined federal campaign, and book cart sales
For more information, please visit their website at: http://friendsofcaesarcreeklake.org/ or find them on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/FOCaesarCreek