Corps of Engineers responds to flooding event on lower Ohio River

Published Feb. 25, 2019

LOUISVILLE, KY.—Due to recent heavy rainfall events affecting the Ohio Valley, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Louisville District Emergency Operations Center (EOC) has activated in response to flooding on the Lower Ohio and
Wabash Rivers.

“We are fully activated, working in coordination with the state to deploy teams and supplies to necessary areas as
quickly as possible,” said George Minges, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District emergency operations

The Louisville District EOC continues to work with our state and local sponsors along with our flood fight teams on
the ground throughout this event to provide emergency assistance including performing inspections of river levees
and providing supplies and teams with technical expertise to construct temporary flood protection for local

USACE is providing supplies and technical assistance for the construction of a 5,000-foot long temporary flood wall
comprised of geocells in Smithland, Kentucky. Additionally, sandbagging machines and flood fight teams have
deployed to areas in Ledbetter and Paducah to construct temporary barriers there.

Navigation on the Ohio River is temporarily closed at Smithland Locks and Dam (Ohio River Mile 918.5) and John T.
Myers Locks and Dam (Ohio River Mile 846) due to high water. Based on current river forecast John T. Myers is
expected to resume locking operations on March 5, 2019, and at Smithland on approximately March 9, 2019. The
Corps is monitoring river conditions and closely coordinating updates with the towing industry.

Navigation traffic on the Green River is transiting over the fixed weir as locking operations have ceased.

The Louisville District’s 20 reservoirs continue to hold water as designed and no record pool levels are expected.
These reservoirs reduce flood damage by storing water for release only after high water downstream has been
lowered. They are being monitored closely by our water management team and are being operated in accordance to
their Water Control Manuals.

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Katie Newton

Release no. 19-003

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