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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Meeting for the Former Naval Air Station Grosse Ile

Louisville District
Published Nov. 24, 2021

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Louisville District is scheduled to host a virtual public meeting from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (EST) on November 30, 2021 for the former Naval Air Station Grosse Ile (NASGI) Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) in Grosse Ile, Michigan.

USACE officials are slated to provide a formal presentation on the Proposed Plans for Areas of Concern (AOC) 12, 20, 24A, and 24B at NASGI.

The in-person public meeting, originally scheduled at 6:00 p.m., September 16, 2021, has been canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Defense Force Health Protection Guidance for limiting in-person meetings to no more than 50 people and the U.S. government’s travel restrictions. The virtual public meeting will replace the canceled in-person meeting by using technology (phone and internet) to communicate the same information and to collect comments from the public while ensuring the public safety.

The event will include two meeting sessions. The first will be a presentation of the Proposed Plans covering investigation findings for AOCs 12, 20, 24A, and 24B at NASGI. Representatives from USACE will be available to address questions regarding the environmental investigation and proposed future actions for those areas. An additional meeting session immediately following the first will serve as the annual informational public meeting concerning the NASGI FUDS site as a whole. USACE representatives will provide an update on the status of ongoing environmental work at the site and will be available to address questions.

Members of the public may attend either one or both of the meeting sessions. Times for these sessions are listed below.

Meeting Information

  1. November 30, 2021 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. – Presentation of Proposed Plans
  2. November 30, 2021 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. – Annual informational public meeting

How to join:

By Internet:
Meeting number: 2762 714 1358 Access Code: XB6pP93$

By phone: Toll-free (844) 800-2712 or (669) 234-1177
Access Code: 2762 714 1358

Public Comments

Comments will be accepted until December 14, 2021. USACE will finalize its plans for AOCs 12, 20, 24A and 24B after reviewing all comments received during the public comment period. The no further action Proposed Plans may be modified based on new information and/or public comments.

The Proposed Plans and related documents can be viewed at:

Hard copies of the Proposed Plans and related documents are available during the public comment period at:  Bacon Memorial District Library, 45 Vinewood Street, Wyandotte, MI 48192 (by appointment only: phone (734) 246-8357).

Persons wishing to attend this online public meeting should register in advance no later than November 29, 2021 by 4:00 p.m. (EST). To register, call or email U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District Public Affairs Office at (502) 315-6769, or Teleconferencing will be available for individuals participating via the internet or phone. Those participating via the internet will be able to view the presentation materials on their computer or mobile device. Those participating by phone only can obtain the presentation materials at the above website (24 hours prior to meeting), in-person or by mail at the USACE Louisville District office, 600 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Place Louisville, KY 40202 (by appointment or by contacting Charles Delano at (502) 315-6769 The number of online connections available for the public meeting is limited and will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis. To ensure adequate time for public comment, individuals or organizations interested in making a statement should mention their intent when they register.

Registration will remain open for the duration of the public meeting for those wishing to provide oral comments; however, early registration is strongly encouraged to ensure proper accommodations. The Proposal Plan presentation meeting is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. and the annual informational public meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Both meetings will conclude upon 30 minutes of no participation from the public.

For questions, concerns, special accommodations, technical issues, registration or visual aid submissions to support oral comments, please contact Charles Delano at the Louisville District Public Affairs Office.

Written comments on the Proposed Plans must be received by mail or email no later than December 14, 2021 to:

Public Affairs Office
c/o Charles Delano
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Louisville District
600 Martin Luther King Jr. Place
Louisville, KY 40202-2232

Charles Delano
(502) 315-6769

Release no. 21-057

News Releases (Hidden - Presorted LRD list)

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Meeting for the Former Naval Air Station Grosse Ile

Louisville District
Published Nov. 24, 2021

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Louisville District is scheduled to host a virtual public meeting from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (EST) on November 30, 2021 for the former Naval Air Station Grosse Ile (NASGI) Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) in Grosse Ile, Michigan.

USACE officials are slated to provide a formal presentation on the Proposed Plans for Areas of Concern (AOC) 12, 20, 24A, and 24B at NASGI.

The in-person public meeting, originally scheduled at 6:00 p.m., September 16, 2021, has been canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Defense Force Health Protection Guidance for limiting in-person meetings to no more than 50 people and the U.S. government’s travel restrictions. The virtual public meeting will replace the canceled in-person meeting by using technology (phone and internet) to communicate the same information and to collect comments from the public while ensuring the public safety.

The event will include two meeting sessions. The first will be a presentation of the Proposed Plans covering investigation findings for AOCs 12, 20, 24A, and 24B at NASGI. Representatives from USACE will be available to address questions regarding the environmental investigation and proposed future actions for those areas. An additional meeting session immediately following the first will serve as the annual informational public meeting concerning the NASGI FUDS site as a whole. USACE representatives will provide an update on the status of ongoing environmental work at the site and will be available to address questions.

Members of the public may attend either one or both of the meeting sessions. Times for these sessions are listed below.

Meeting Information

  1. November 30, 2021 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. – Presentation of Proposed Plans
  2. November 30, 2021 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. – Annual informational public meeting

How to join:

By Internet:
Meeting number: 2762 714 1358 Access Code: XB6pP93$

By phone: Toll-free (844) 800-2712 or (669) 234-1177
Access Code: 2762 714 1358

Public Comments

Comments will be accepted until December 14, 2021. USACE will finalize its plans for AOCs 12, 20, 24A and 24B after reviewing all comments received during the public comment period. The no further action Proposed Plans may be modified based on new information and/or public comments.

The Proposed Plans and related documents can be viewed at:

Hard copies of the Proposed Plans and related documents are available during the public comment period at:  Bacon Memorial District Library, 45 Vinewood Street, Wyandotte, MI 48192 (by appointment only: phone (734) 246-8357).

Persons wishing to attend this online public meeting should register in advance no later than November 29, 2021 by 4:00 p.m. (EST). To register, call or email U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District Public Affairs Office at (502) 315-6769, or Teleconferencing will be available for individuals participating via the internet or phone. Those participating via the internet will be able to view the presentation materials on their computer or mobile device. Those participating by phone only can obtain the presentation materials at the above website (24 hours prior to meeting), in-person or by mail at the USACE Louisville District office, 600 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Place Louisville, KY 40202 (by appointment or by contacting Charles Delano at (502) 315-6769 The number of online connections available for the public meeting is limited and will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis. To ensure adequate time for public comment, individuals or organizations interested in making a statement should mention their intent when they register.

Registration will remain open for the duration of the public meeting for those wishing to provide oral comments; however, early registration is strongly encouraged to ensure proper accommodations. The Proposal Plan presentation meeting is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. and the annual informational public meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Both meetings will conclude upon 30 minutes of no participation from the public.

For questions, concerns, special accommodations, technical issues, registration or visual aid submissions to support oral comments, please contact Charles Delano at the Louisville District Public Affairs Office.

Written comments on the Proposed Plans must be received by mail or email no later than December 14, 2021 to:

Public Affairs Office
c/o Charles Delano
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Louisville District
600 Martin Luther King Jr. Place
Louisville, KY 40202-2232

Charles Delano
(502) 315-6769

Release no. 21-057