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Public meeting to be held to share Lock 53 demolition blasting plan

Published May 3, 2021
Lock 53 Public Meeting

Lock 53 Public Meeting

A public meeting is being held in Olmsted, Illinois, Tuesday, May 11, to inform the community about the blasting plan for the upcoming demolition work at Lock and Dam 53 on the Ohio River.

Demolition of the marine features, which includes removal of all lock and dam components, is expected to begin in mid-May and last through late June 2022. The demolition process will utilize blasting methods to fracture portions of the concrete structure of the locks and dam, including two tests blasts and a series of daily production blasts.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers awarded the contract for the demolition to C.J. Mahan Construction Company out of Columbus, Ohio, who will be hosting the public meeting on Tuesday, May 11, at 5:00 p.m. (Central Time) at Olmsted City Hall.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and our contractor will work in close coordination with local authorities, the U.S. Coast Guard, and navigation industry to keep them informed of the blasting schedule and river traffic procedures. Daily blasting activities are expected to occur Monday thru Saturday between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Access to the blasting area will be controlled by stopping all river traffic between the Olmsted Dam downstream at Ohio River Mile 964.6 and Ohio River Mile 962 upstream during blasting operations. The safety perimeter will be maintained until an all clear has been issued.

Public Meeting
Tuesday, May 11
5:00 p.m. (Central)
Olmsted City Hall
150 N. Front Street
Olmsted, IL 62970

Katie Newton
(502) 315-6773

Release no. 21-006

News Releases (Hidden - Presorted LRD list)

Public meeting to be held to share Lock 53 demolition blasting plan

Published May 3, 2021
Lock 53 Public Meeting

Lock 53 Public Meeting

A public meeting is being held in Olmsted, Illinois, Tuesday, May 11, to inform the community about the blasting plan for the upcoming demolition work at Lock and Dam 53 on the Ohio River.

Demolition of the marine features, which includes removal of all lock and dam components, is expected to begin in mid-May and last through late June 2022. The demolition process will utilize blasting methods to fracture portions of the concrete structure of the locks and dam, including two tests blasts and a series of daily production blasts.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers awarded the contract for the demolition to C.J. Mahan Construction Company out of Columbus, Ohio, who will be hosting the public meeting on Tuesday, May 11, at 5:00 p.m. (Central Time) at Olmsted City Hall.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and our contractor will work in close coordination with local authorities, the U.S. Coast Guard, and navigation industry to keep them informed of the blasting schedule and river traffic procedures. Daily blasting activities are expected to occur Monday thru Saturday between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Access to the blasting area will be controlled by stopping all river traffic between the Olmsted Dam downstream at Ohio River Mile 964.6 and Ohio River Mile 962 upstream during blasting operations. The safety perimeter will be maintained until an all clear has been issued.

Public Meeting
Tuesday, May 11
5:00 p.m. (Central)
Olmsted City Hall
150 N. Front Street
Olmsted, IL 62970

Katie Newton
(502) 315-6773

Release no. 21-006